An adaptable product designer with a diverse skill set. I aim to solve everyday problems in a sustainable manner.
Final year project
Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Hard-Floor Cleaners.
Final Year Design Project
A consumer floor-care product that cleans floors using water. It has significantly fewer components than existing solutions and uses less water, improving its sustainability and reducing cost.
Computer-Aided Modelling
An in-context render of a glue gun. This product was reverse-engineered using 3D laser scanning and reconstructed using Solidworks CAD software.
Computer-Aided Modelling
The product was constructed using a top-down modelling technique. Surface modelling was exploited to achieve G2 curvature continuity.
Electro-Mechanical Coffee Machine
A group project to create a coffee machine. I was primarily responsible for the CAD and prototyping elements of the project.
Electro-Mechanical Coffee Machine
The machine is built around an 'AeroPress' coffee chamber. Ground coffee brews in the chamber before being forced through a fine mesh filter with a plunger. The 'AeroPress' chamber is easily removed for cleaning.
Electro-Mechanical Coffee Machine
The coffee machine features a fully-functional coffee grinder, ground coffee dispensing system and water temperature monitoring system. The plunger is actuated using a lead screw powered by a stepper motor and gearbox.
James Hughes
Final year project
Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Hard-Floor Cleaners.
Diploma in Professional Studies '21.
Work Experience
I undertook a year-long industry placement at Vax, a manufacturer of consumer floor-care products. During this year, I worked across the entire NPD process, helping to bring several products to market. I produced prototypes, and proof-of-principle rigs tested to validate design decisions and presented them to stakeholders. I worked directly with OEMs and toolmakers to detail parts for injection moulding using PTC Creo. I learned from industry experts, which gave me a greater understanding of product design outside of University.