I am a research driven designer, who focuses on the user in each phase of the design process.
Final year project
Understanding the link between checkout till design and musculoskeletal disorders in cashiers, with a focus on workers over 50
Major research project: Understanding a cashier's working environment
In my final year my major project was research-based. This was conducted on checkout design and its impact on Musculoskeletal Disorders in cashiers with a focus on employees over 50. Cashiers are one of the top ten occupations most likely to develop Musculoskeletal Disorders. This is due to their exposure to repetitive motions and awkward postures alongside other factors. The Primary research involved creating online surveys, conducting interviews and observing a cashier’s work tasks. An ergonomic analysis was also conducted in SAMMIE CAD. Recommendations were then made for adapting checkout design to reduce the chance of Musculoskeletal Diseases, increase employee comfort and therefore increase job satisfaction. Secondary research into journal articles and legislation was also completed. Findings were then written up into a report.
SAMMIE CAD: Workplace analysis
Through using SAMMIE CAD I was able to further analyse cashier's work environment for my major research project. Two human models, 1%ile female and 99%ile male were used as that provided understanding on whether a large proportion of the working population would be comfortable whilst they worked.
Fixperts: Penguin visual aid
In my third year, I took part in a Fixperts group project. Fixperts is a learning programme that challenges people to use their creative skills to produce an innovative solution to an everyday problem for a specific individual. Our fix partner was visually impaired and struggled to locate their separate magnifying glasses when out and about. Through an iterative design process with our fix partner, we created a final product, which was a series of portable magnifying lenses in a fun custom case design. Working through the whole design process with a team and providing our fix partner with a physical solution was very rewarding.
Alice Whittle
Final year project
Understanding the link between checkout till design and musculoskeletal disorders in cashiers, with a focus on workers over 50
Shibaura Institute of Technology - Overseas Study (2020-2021)
I undertook a year of international study where I completed fifteen modules, average grade - of S (90-100%). The modules ranged from Colour Theory to Transportation Planning which broadened my skillset and gave me exposure to different teaching techniques.