A motivated and diligent designer with an ambition to develop and deliver effective design solutions with the user at focus.
Final year project
Breaking the sedentary cycle working from home encourages
With the covid pandemic changing how we work and remote home working becoming the new trend, the movement continues to be cut from our daily routine. ZEST is a two-part product and app that aims to break this sedentary cycle, by integrating ‘active breaks’ into the remote working day. Active breaks will help improve physical and mental well-being as well as work productivity.
The App
The app allows users to schedule active breaks into their work calendars, allowing time for personalised short bursts of exercise. It is used to inform, monitor and act as a social platform for users to interact with.
The ZESTpad acts as an interactive platform that guides users through a sequence of exercises, personalised via the app, tracking their active minutes and calorie expenditure.
The ZESTprompt attaches to the user's chair, notifying them through vibration both when it is time for an active break and when the recommended sitting time has been exceeded.
In context
ZEST has been designed to be used within the home working environment.
ZESTprompt in context
ZESTprompt can be attached to the underside of the chair via a magnet, making it easy for removal/reattachment.
ZESTpad exploded view
ZEST uses FSR pressure sensors to track interaction directly correlated with exercise movement, this information can then be used to generate personalised calorie expenditure.
ZESTprompt exploded view
ZEST uses a vibrating motor to create a vibration the user can feel whilst sitting on the chair working.
Sarah Bennett
Final year project
Breaking the sedentary cycle working from home encourages
Diploma in Professional Studies
Work Experience
I have led a number of design projects working closely with clients to achieve the best possible packaging solution considering user experience, sustainability and budget. I effectively used organisational and communication skills to understand client needs and successfully meet timelines and cost expectations. I worked within the design team where I was involved in the design process from initial concept ideation through to development and prototyping, material selection and manufacture. I independently managed projects and presented design solutions internally within Antalis and to clients, where I developed a specialism in graphics, sustainability and new packaging solutions. A number of my designs have been successfully adopted by clients.