A young aspiring graphic designer whose ideas are diverse and relevant to today. Often looking on the lighter side of life, I aim to always bring personality and originality to my work.
Final year project
Cocktales, Chivas X, Blooming' Jell and Toothietots
Cocktale Cans
The Cocktales campaign uses colour changing cans to reveal a surprise for the drinker, reflecting the surprise of an STI diagnosis. A 'Cocktale' is showcased on the back.
Chivas X
Chivas X reinvigorates the Chivas whiskey brand for a new younger audience.
Range of Flavours
The cans use puns on classic cocktails to make drinkers aware of symptoms to look out for.
Event mockup
The Cocktales campaign launches with an event for students, targeting those most at risk of STI transmission.
Bottle Label
The simple but classy bottle design is both sustainable and fresh for a younger audience.
Box Packaging Design
The box design is elegant and utilises gold foil as an accent to the greyscale design.
Bloomin' Jell
Packaging concept for lime and sweet chilli marinated strips of jellyfish.
Toothietots 'Squeezy Toothpaste'
A fun set of characters including 'Squeezy' the toothpaste accompany an animation to teach young children how to brush their teeth.
Nick Clifton
Final year project
Cocktales, Chivas X, Blooming' Jell and Toothietots