Logical, hands-on designer that loves working from concept to fruition.
Final year project
A Rescue Aid to Prevent Cases of Fatal Drowning in Open Water
Swift device set up
A multi-purpose, portable rescue tool that enables people visiting large bodies of water to feel more assured in their safety.
Swift Capsule activation- Swift Rescue (top), Swift Sport (bottom)
In the event of an emergency, the Swift sports capsule can be swapped out for the active capsule. This is installed with a water-activated flotation device attached to a line to assist a casualty in distress, without having to ask the user to enter the water and thus putting themselves at risk.
Prototype of Swift
Swift comes with a line and clip, 2 capsules and the device.
Operating device in environment
I was able to test my device prototype in an open water scenario.
Elsie Barker
Final year project
A Rescue Aid to Prevent Cases of Fatal Drowning in Open Water
Work Experience
Emergo by UL- Human factors internship at a global medical device consultancy.
Here I gained a valuable understanding of the Human factors engineering process and all the work undertaken with actual potential users of the products, as well as the many processes that a product must go through before coming to the market. This very detailed, data-driven approach has influenced me in my approach to the development of my final project this year.