As a research focused designer, I have a passion for placing the user at the centre of all design decisions to deliver innovative solutions through an evidence-based approach.
Final year project
Final Year User Centred Design Dissertation: Understanding and improving the performance of offshore yacht sailing galleys by increasing the effectiveness of preparing meals and cooking when sailing.
Smart Choice Food
This app tackles the issue of food waste to enhance the experience of smart city living. Helping students and others who house-share, to keep track of their food shop by notifying them when food will go off and what items are theirs in a busy shared fridge.
High Fidelity Prototype
Recipes are created from their remaining food which suits their preferences. Swapping with local friends helps create a connected and sharing community whilst also reducing bulk waste.
Final Year User Centred Design Dissertation
Final year dissertation to gain experience in tackling an ergonomic research problem. Sailing requires a certain level of skill and knowledge, however, even the smaller tasks such as preparing food and cooking demand extra care and attention from the user, compared to when normally ashore or at anchor. The constantly moving environment transforms a simple everyday task into a challenge, with many compromising elements. This research investigation is aimed at gaining a comprehensive understanding of the issues users face, when preparing meals and cooking whilst sailing, to develop recommendations that improve the effectiveness and performance of task completion.
Monitoring Ischemic Stroke Risk
Ischemic Stroke Risk Meter and Blood Lancing Device. This discreet kit enables users to take ownership and tackle stroke risk in the comfort of their own homes, workplace, etc.
Portable. Personal. Precise.
Ischemic Stroke Risk Monitoring App
The app monitors the user’s risk by displaying their previous and new results. If levels increase and are concerning, then users will be advised to visit their physician to get a full diagnostic and preventive treatment.
The Solution Storyboard
Measuring heart failure biomarker levels, daily or weekly, provides users with the opportunity to monitor their risk of having a stroke. Relevant advice is given to the user based on their analysed blood sample data results, meaning that early warning signs of stroke can be dealt with properly.
Julina Pickles
Final year project
Final Year User Centred Design Dissertation: Understanding and improving the performance of offshore yacht sailing galleys by increasing the effectiveness of preparing meals and cooking when sailing.
2022 Diploma in Professional Studies
Awarded from Loughborough University for successfully gaining professional training through completing an industrial placement
Work Experience
For my placement, I worked as a design intern for six months at Sand & Birch Design Studio, in Latina, Italy. Discovering the different elements involved in design consulting excited me, from the initial research to producing the final product, whilst collaborating on projects with industry professionals. Conversing with customers helped to strengthen my communication and problem-solving skills. Living in Italy allowed me to experience a new culture and adapt to a different way of life.