Hello, my name is Daniel and I am a creative and friendly person. I am excited to start my design career and aspire to produce innovative designs for users all over the world.
Final year project
Medicine Dispenser
Medication Dispenser Main Render
A compact medicine dispenser, for use in the home, that promotes prescription adherence in the elderly population. The
design moves away from the difficult to open ‘Blisterpack’ as tablet packaging and reshapes them into an easier to grip form. These are slid into the top and then the user can select when they want their morning, day or night dosage to be dispensed. A user interface can be positioned hanging outside of the drawer or cupboard that the dispenser is placed in, to provide a constant reminder to the user. Information can be displayed on the screen about how long until the prescription needs to be refilled and instructions for using the product.
Tablet holder accessory
A close-up shot of the tablet holder which the user can place under the dispenser to collect their dosage for the morning, day or night. The compact nature and symbols on the lids ensure that the holder is easy to use and can be taken out of the house if the user goes out for the day.
Medication container sliding interaction
This shows how the containers slide and lock into place so that the user can be confident that their medication is correctly positioned.
Daniel Ball
Final year project
Medicine Dispenser
Work Experience
During my placement year at Loughborough University, I was able to secure a design intern role at Sand and Birch Design in Italy. The small consultancy mainly dealt with luxury furniture, however, I produced a variety of products most of which were focused on football training equipment for a client. The small nature of the company allowed me a lot of freedom when producing new concepts and designs. I used this opportunity to experiment with how I communicated designs through different forms of media such as illustrations, animations and renderings. This expanded my knowledge and skills in many forms of software and learning how to use different tools quickly to produce professional standard work. My time at Sand and Birch also helped me to grow as a person by moving to a different country and adopting an entirely new culture.